The "signs of the times" are everywhere. Who would have thought that so much could take place in the last year or two that would lend itself to biblical prophecy. No, I do not believe the vaccine is the "mark", but I will say that society is more conditioned to accepting "anti christ". No one knows the day and the hour, but I do know we are closer than ever before. I also better understand, I think, why there is no mention of the "western powers" in the end times. The USA is slipping faster than I could have dreamed possible. No one has to take my word for this, but I do encourage folks to take time and get into God's Word. One cannot ignore that we live in troubling times. I know that I and my family have found "Peace that passes all understanding" in Jesus Christ.
What others had to say….
“Exactly right. If we’ve learned anything from the past is how quickly circumstances can change. And how many people will follow a mainstream thought process. Someday no doubt the antichrist will proclaim to be on the side of science and will be supported by all the “experts”. Feels like we are being put through a “firedrill” today...a test run of the real thing.”
“Jesus will come like a thief in the night, and with each day of passing we are one day closer to his return. Come Lord Jesus. God bless and have a great day”
“You are spot on. Myself and my husband are facing the loss of our jobs because of vaccine mandates in our state. We know that we will be alright, because God is in control. My hubby and I meet each morning at 5:45 AM for bible study, we are working our way through John. We are called as believers to love others, some days that’s hard. I thank God for grace everyday. Good post sir!”