When you begin to hear the silence
When you see as they tell you there is nothing to see
When your mind is continually seeking
When your heart is filled with joy and peace
When the dawning of each new day is a blessing
When the journey is more than a path to trod
When friendship proves to be a blessing to others
When each day is truly a gift from God.

LBR February 15, 2025


We went Ice skating first....

We sure enjoyed a beautiful evening in The Shops at Main Street Square in Downtown Rapid City . We have held Legacy III Bible Study downtown for many years. Alternative Fuel Coffee and Smoothies serve as our gracious hosts. Tonight we finished up on our study of the Ascension Psalms (Psalms 120-134)

Appreciates Men's Day

Just received this nice note of appreciation...

"I wanted to thank you for everything you all did for the "MEN'S DAY" that you have each year. You made a difference in my life. For that I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and God bless."

Casey B.


"To God be the glory... great things He continues to do". Men's Day is annual event here at the ranch.


For nearly six decades I have pondered
When the shadows cast nearly north.
And the sun catches the distant horizon
And the days of winter now set forth.

The winter solstice has me asking
What is it about the enduring night?
That sets in at the end of each day
When the darkness outlasts the light.

The "North Country" is where I call home.
Often, sunup to sundown happens to be my clock.
It is no use to fret that the day is done.
Makes little difference on the path I walk.

So, I will take each moment in stride.
Perhaps the seasons say it best.
The days of summer I work long and hard.
The days of winter it is time to ponder and rest.

I am reminded a lesson to adhere.
To everything there is a reason,
As the Scripture of old clearly states
To the passage of day and of each season.

Larry B. Reinhold

December 21, 2021

Birthday in the Barn with Our Cowboy Wisemen

No need to leave room for cream

Black hot and stout is the way to go

Under the moon and stars is a dream

A reminding light to the world below.

The birth of God's Son is joy to most

From shepherds to the distant wise men.

And don't the forget the Heavenly host.

And the hope shared to neighbors and kin.

Just as the cowboys that lived decades ago

Fellowship and warmth beneath big sky above.

They talked of new life in a manger low

And the hope of eternal life in God's love

LBR December 18,2024


The Birthday in the Barn Celebration at RBR


Contrary to what some say today... the shepherds and herdsmen around the town of Bethlehem and surrounding hillsides were far from nobodies. They knew that they came from a long line of caretakers of livestock... Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Amos... just to name a few. Their lifestyle was not posh.. and they did not want that. They were the ones that raised the food as well as the ones that kept watch over the sacrificial lambs and other animals. God only saw fit to announce the birth of His Son to these meek (power under control) and thoughtful people... the guardians of the flocks and herds. And they were not so preoccupied with self that they could not catch the message... the One that born that night in the City of David.. a Savior... Christ the Lord.. .the Kings of Kings... the "Lamb" of God. Wow!


Birthday in the Barn Celebration at Rainbow Bible Ranch 2024... The 30th Annual one at that.