Yesterday, I received a very nice hand written two page letter from a young teenage boy from Illinois that attended RBR this past summer. I would like to share a portion of the letter with you.
"I really felt like God was telling me to give my dreams and abilities to him and 'walk by faith'. The theme song, verses and your talks at the sessions were all perfect for me. I really felt like God was telling me to let me be led by Him even when I cannot fully see the plans He has for me. It was a huge blessing to me and I wanted to let you know that."
Your Brother in Christ,
“Such a great ministry that hits home to the young people and gives them hope and teaches them “ to walk in faith”! Also teaches them good ranch values and horsemanship.”
“You know when I see a young person like this and the letter he wrote to you it makes me more positive about our young people and that I feel proud that they will carry on the love of this great Country of ours. The Lord has used Rainbow Bible ranch to influence so many of our young people.”
“Such an awesome ministry! I know he was not the only one ministered to by the word of God!♥️. Thank you all for your hard labors of love….for the Kingdom!”
“Letters from campers are always a blessing and great encouragement. Blessings upon you as you continue to serve the Lord.”