OF 27 'PERPS'.... 26 WERE...





It is impossible to be fatherless. However due to parental decisions... many families are broken. Our Government programs promote "singleness". The feminist agenda, and no I did not say "feminine" has been winning the war on the traditional family. Homelessness could also be defined as "no one is home". Eating together as a family is touted by numerous groups... and yet how many meals do we eat together as family per week. We continue to call for more school activity and school hours to step up and care for our kids. I could write more...




Why don't you get a real job?

If you have ever told a Rainbow Bible Ranch Staff Member that you think its time they get a “Real Job”, you might just want to reconsider. Like, I get it. I know what you’re thinking and I that you mean well… but to be honest…its almost offensive and should be said only after careful consideration and observation! And if after that careful observation and consideration you still feel the need to say that _________ needs a real job, then maybe a heart realignment is in store. :)
I would like to give you a few reasons of why I believe this…

Camp. 10 weeks. June 1- August 14 (With most weekends and one week break over the 4th of July).

The life of a team leader:
The Mornings are early. Every morning is early, and that after a very long day of riding, swimming, fishing, untangling that line for the fourth time, preparing devotions, giving devotions, answering questions, answering the same question for the 8th time, helping the homesick kid work though the homesickness and see a huge smile after the ride...the work projects, where you try to get the whole team involved…capture the flag, capture the flag, capture the flag, answering questions, getting climbed on, answering questions, oh, “one more game of capture the flag?” 3 games later… answering questions, preparing a group skit with 8 little girls...or 8 little boys who just want a battle scene, staying up late talking to kids about their home life, trying to help them understand that there is Someone Who cares, getting woke up at 2 by the little girl that doesn’t feel well, and hoping you get a little more sleep so you can do it all over again tomorrow. We love it. There is absolutely nothing so rewarding!

Or the life of the wrangler: “Yeah everyone wants to be a wrangler.” Every day you wake up with the sun, ride over a mile to get to the saddle horses, get them in and saddle twenty horses by breakfast. Then on a hot day in July take another group of riders out for an hour and a half, then another, then another, making sure the saddle fits the kid and the horse, and making sure that the kid that is scared and crying can overcome that when they get to the top of the breaks and see the view and a smile spreads across their face. You told them to trust you. They did. They cried. They made it. They loved it. Now they love you. Cutting up one more cactus and dividing it 10 ways, getting everyone home safely, unsaddling at the end of the day, doing some ranch work, and going to play capture the flag when you’re not sure if your bones can handle it. :) But you run anyway, because you remember being that kid at camp watching the wranglers...
We love it. There is absolutely nothing so rewarding!

The All around crew? Cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning, washing dishes, going to help run the zipline, going to lifeguard the swimming hole, cleaning, washing dishes……..

I don’t tell you this to brag about the staff….well, yes, actually I do. They deserve to be bragged about. Camp is hard! It wears you out! Would you stay in that dorm and be there with thirty-five 8-12 year olds getting ready for the banquet? Or how about sleeping outside on the ground so that the kids get the chance to sleep under the stars, sleeping lightly so when it starts to rain you can get everyone up and inside and it’s 3:29 in the morning.
Most of you wouldn’t want to do it! ….BECAUSE IT’S A JOB. IT IS HARD WORK.

If you worked at Rainbow you will leave with a very diverse resume!
You do what needs done when it needs done. You can clean toilets, you can saddle 5 horses in 15 minutes. You can wash hundreds of dishes and put them away, and then go give 100 underdogs to the 6 year olds.
Camp is not easy! I promise it’s the hardest summer you’ll ever be a part of! You don’t go out with friends on the weekend because you are wore out and you know you need to be ready for the next week starting Monday!
It is the most fulfilling job you’ll ever have. I can also promise that, and you won’t want to do anything else.
But when someone says that it’s time to get a real job, or your friend who works at McDonalds asks you why you do camp and don’t have a real job….it kinda cuts right to the core. If they only knew…
If only you knew.

A good staff is VITAL to the continuing ministry of Rainbow Bible Ranch. And to be honest, it has been getting harder and harder to get staff who will commit to the summer. Why? I’m not really sure. I mean, yeah, it’s hard. But “real jobs” are work.

Maybe that’s why… because they keep getting told working at camp isn’t a “Real Job”…




Homestead Happenings
By Larry B. Reinhold
From the Autumn Rainbow Reflector

A visitor was traveling through some scenic countryside when he came upon a farmer that was working on a piece of machinery near some outstanding crops. The visitor commented to the farmer, “God has sure blessed you with some beautiful and productive land.”

The farmer nodded his head in agreement, and then stated in a casual manner, “Yes, and it really has come a long way since God asked me to be a partner in the operation.”

We may smile at this, and some may even question if the farmer was taking too much credit; however, the truth remains: God has given each of us opportunity in tasks and responsibilities during our journey on this earth.

After forty years as the director of Rainbow Bible Ranch, I can attest to the privilege of partnering with God in ministry. And along with that privilege, I count it an honor to have partnered with so many people from all walks of life to accomplish a worthy goal. That is, simply taking what has been entrusted to us and cultivating it in a worthy manner to impact people and all of God’s creation in a way that is pleasing and honoring to the Almighty.

I think of so many that have poured into this ministry— some with their sweat equity. Our staff over the years has primarily been made up of young people. They have given of themselves in so many ways.

I cannot even begin to recall all that have contributed of their resources. So many have realized the directive of God to give financially. This is vital as RBR continues to reach children and their families. Rainbow Bible Ranch continues to offer camp at about “half the cost” and the rest is made up by contributions and donations from people across the country. The events that we conduct throughout the year after camp are offered on a donation basis only.

I cannot help but be overwhelmed as I think of family and close friends that have poured themselves into the ministry. Sacrificial is the word that describes their actions.

And the Prayer Warriors! Oh my, I realize that I cannot comprehend the many that pray in earnest for the work that goes on here at the Ranch. For those of us that are on the frontline, there are countless others praying in earnest for God’s sustenance, power, grace and love to pour out in abundance. They are praying that Satan will not have victory in even the smallest of battles.

I have been challenged as we celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of Rainbow Bible Ranch. We cannot slow down. We cannot give in. We cannot take for granted. We cannot ignore. We must adhere to biblical principle. We must be about our Father’s business. We must, with vigor, carry out the Great Commission. We cannot rest on our achievements. They only must prove as building blocks in partnering with God to carry out His will and be evidence of His Glory and Honor.

As I write this, I look out my office window at snow as far I can see. We are not even at the middle of October and we just had our first winter storm. I started this article the other day and then took a five-day hiatus. My opening line then was, “As we recall the anniversary of Storm Atlas in 2013…”

The preparations of this most recent storm took on a nearly feverish pitch as many of us recalled the outcome of that monumental storm that some termed the Cattlemen’s Blizzard that took place the early days of October 2013. You may recall, that there were nearly 50,000 head of livestock lost in that storm. We lost nearly 100 head of horses. With memories of that storm so etched in our hearts and minds, we knew we must be prepared for what may come. The area that we live in can be very unforgiving.

In closing I will share a conversation that I had with Robin. Fortunately, we fared well in this most recent storm. Other than… “It could be a long winter”. Robin and I recalled the amount of work accomplished and the efforts taken by our family and staff to prepare for the worst. The results of our labor were nearly amazing. Robin simply stated, “What if we would take this same approach in our determination to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What if we poured into our tasks the same energy, realizing that we may not have much time left?”

Good point!

God had asked us to partner with Him in this ministry of Rainbow Bible Ranch. Some of us serve in administration and staff. Are we not all called to give sacrificially to efforts of sharing the Gospel? Are we not all able to contribute as God leads us to give from what He has so abundantly blessed us? And may we all pray in due diligence, realizing that we may not have much time left? What is at stake if we don’t do our part?

MEN'S DAY 2019


Prayer & Encouragement

Dear Partners Unto The Harvest,

As we draw to the end of another “Labor Day Holiday”, I am grateful to have spent it with family. And as we enter a different season of ministry, I want to take time to extend our gratitude for your part in the ministry of Rainbow Bible Ranch. All summer long, I am reminded of the team effort to accomplish so much. You in prayers and support play a vital role.

As I went through the day, I was struck by the idea of “celebration of labor”. This century old celebration seems somewhat odd for a national holiday. However, as I thought of the work and workers across this great nation, I could not help but think of the many biblical references to labor and the tasks at hand. Jesus’ words in Matthew chapter nine are quite poignant.

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

The words recorded there are full of truth and conviction.

The fall season brings about many projects, and time to accomplish them is drawing shorter, especially on the many outside projects. I will be sending an update here shortly in the Rainbow Reflector.

A special event that is drawing nearer as well is our Annual Men’s Day. This will be held September 29th here at the ranch. Please be prayer about that.

And finally, your gifts of support are so needed. Our numbers were down some from the previous years. And even though we had abundant moisture this year, the drought of years past takes it’s toll. Contributions are also behind to an extent. We proceed in faith everyday believing God for His provision…. But people are a part of the plan. Thank you in advance for what you can contribute as God leads in that area.

And of course, prayer is essential. Keep Praying.