Remember the “Old Days” when many churches would have “prayer meetings” devoted almost entirely to praying? Most were not overly well attended, and as a kid, I thought they were sort of boring. I remember the ones that I was most familiar with generally had the same audience week after week. Oh sure we still pray, but similar to missions conferences and the like we have fashioned our schedule in a way that we have merged some of those special meetings into a “one size fits all”. Perhaps it is that I am getting older or that I am just taking special notice now…But this day and age could use some old fashioned prayer meetings. I will admit that I don’t address but a minor fraction of needs that I am aware of, and I certainly don’t recognize the abundant blessings that I should be grateful for. Prayer time with a small group of Christ Followers must be raised higher than just an addendum to the schedule. Just to prove it; write down or just ponder the many instances in your scope that could use prayer