Nearly overwhelming…
It is 1:00 in the morning and the temperature is still 82 degrees. The wind is blowing at stiff pace from the south adding to the nearly smothering conditions. I am unable to sleep as the results of the drought and heat are certainly on my mind. Lots of questions and only one answer. And that is “Walk by Faith”. That has been our theme during the 2021 camping season at Rainbow Bible Ranch. Fitting to say the least in so many areas. And certainly, it is not so much about my faith, but rather Who my faith is in.
With the daunting heat of the summer and yes, our region had the highest temperatures of anywhere in the nation yesterday, we have spent much time watering livestock, plants and trees. I have had little spare time due to the extra chores, but I have had time to think about life lessons that may be learned in this difficult situation.
As you may know, we have planted many trees around the ranch over the last years. It is easy to notice that the young trees have not fared well. Those with a limited root system require much more attention than the well-established trees. The hot winds and shortage of moisture not only wilt the leaves, but also burn and dry up the foliage and ultimately branches and entire trees even to the point of dying.
We live in a society today that is not unlike the severe drought and heat that is taking place across our region. Our young people may be the most vulnerable. And chief among my concerns is the need for discipleship in young Christ Followers. The Bible is clear about evangelism and discipleship. We read of the Apostle Paul’s account in I Corinthians 3 of how some plant and others water and it is God who gives the increase. During the difficult times such as we live now, I am mindful of the fact that some do plant and some do water. It is a team effort, and it goes without saying, that both are important.
As the many kids that attend camp, we see numerous decisions to come to Christ. The seeds that have been planted are taking root. And those roots that are yet so shallow need to be nurtured and watered to be sustained during difficult times. Perhaps while a child was at camp, values and principles were reiterated that he or she was learning in their home and community. Perhaps Rainbow started a child on the path of a good habit such as reading God’s Word. We at RBR love the fact that we can come along side parents and family in showing the importance of respect and obedience to parents.
Certainly, we believe that a stay at RBR and Christian camping in general is of value. But it is only part of the equation to enable an individual to grow strong in godly principle. Let us be more than vigilant as each of do our part in planting seeds and nurturing the growing individual.
What others had to say…
“Love your heart Larry. You planted some, watered and nurtured some also for God’s kingdom. Will be praying for growth of those seeds and efforts of your crew to be multiplied friend.”
“You sure have a way with words. I appreciate your voice on Facebook so much!”
“So well said. Praying for all the young Christian souls who have made a decision to follow Him and that they may be encouraged daily and may seek His Word to stay strong and keep growing in these trying times.”
“Larry, you’ve said it so well....all new believers need to be discipled and shepherded as they walk the new path they have chosen in Christ. I’m so thankful for the hundreds, maybe thousands of kids RBR has influenced for Christ in the past 40 plus years. Who knew what glory to God would come from the tragic deaths of your brothers and their friend. Praying for encouragement for you and the whole clan as you live through the current circumstances of drought and other challenges that come with ranch life.”