A ranch remuda is defined as "the herd of horses from which those to be used for the day are chosen." The devastating blizzard of 2013 wreaked havoc across western South Dakota; Rainbow Bible Ranch and the Lonetree were not spared. On October 4, 2013, a wild and ferocious storm settled in upon western South Dakota, leaving behind it devastation that will be felt for many years to come. The cattle and sheep losses across the region are heart wrenching. And many good horses met their demise as well. Of the tens of thousands head of livestock lost...Rainbow Bible Ranch and the Lonetree lost 90 head of horses. Of this number, 21 head of RBR’s dependable saddle horses died. But as our theme for the summer camp season states, "JUST TRUST". So we press on for the Kingdom. Your financial assistance and prayer support this past month has been extremely encouraging. I would desire so very much to be able to communicate personally and verbally our heartfelt thanks...but to be honest, it is not possible. The storm has brought many trials that were not fathomed, even in the wildest dream. Please continue to pray that our Western South Dakota community will be strengthened and that many will experience the peace of God that passes all understanding. We will never replace the saddle horses that we lost in this storm known as "Atlas" but we will rebuild upon the foundation that we have enjoyed for so many years. And we do not lose hope, as the Cornerstone of the foundation is Christ. May He be glorified in all that takes place. We have other challenges as well. The devastation is so apparent as the trees, landscape and other infrastructure have also taken a direct hit. It was as if a blizzard, a tornado and a flood joined forces to march across our region. We trust the Lord that He will "heal" these situations as well. Again, I must say a big thank you. Together, "For the Kingdom" we will not only stand but we will press on. And yes, pass the word...Rainbow Bible Ranch will move into its 35th season this next year. Sincerely, Larry B. Reinhold Executive Director