It nearly felt like a day in April. Started quite mild... it even rained lightly. But we knew that our guests would be coming. To cook a good steak over a wood fire meant getting a flame down to red hot coals. Mike Hencey came to help with the grilling as he has done for many event events over the years. Robin had already begun preparing the homemade pancakes with buttermilk as a key ingredient.
Good Beef
Mike Hencey and Danny Reinhold
Robin had already begun preparing the homemade pancakes with buttermilk as a key ingredient.
This is what we do...
So thankful that we can work together.
Everyone has a job. Julia and Kiersten work together on preparing the next batch of pancakes.
STEAK N CAKE proved to a great time of fellowship and yes we enjoyed some good food. We served over 100 people. They came from southeastern Montana and all the way to southeastern South Dakota.