Standing at my kitchen window, hands immersed in dishwater, I gaze out across the yard to the fertile black soil of my garden.  “It seems more patient than I,”  I think, anxious to dig my hands into the land that will provide nourishment for our family in just a few months. 

Last fall, Larry and I, along with our six treasures, brought several truck loads of rich “organic matter” from the corrals to our garden.  We carefully spread and raked and smoothed until it met our satisfaction, and then let it rest for the winter.  The soil has been prepared, and now it waits.

Soon the time will be right for us to once again work up the soil, and then carefully place each seed into the ground. And no matter how many times I’ve seen it, I still marvel to watch those first green leaves push their way up through the soil.  What was once just a dormant seed, now becomes a living plant.  With tender care, water, sunshine and time, that plant will reproduce after its kind, putting variety, color and nutrition onto our dinner plates.  “Thank You, Lord, for Your marvelous plan to care for all that You created.”

What a perfect parallel this is to God’s working in our lives, especially considering the fact that we are made from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7).  Just as a potter works his clay (see Isaiah 64:8), so God works the soil of our lives, molding, shaping, preparing us for His good work (Ephesians 2:10).  He prepares our hearts to receive the “seed” of His Word.  Sometimes He has to “work” the soil of our hearts to open us up, so that when the seed falls on it, it can take root and grow.  Often times He brings people into our lives who will plant, water, nurture, or prune so that we will grow and become productive.  Like a master gardener, God’s loving eye is upon all of His creation, tending and giving each one what is needed at the right time.

Here at Rainbow, we have the privilege of observing the hand of God at work in the lives of young people each and every week of the summer.  Just as I marvel at the sprouting of a seed in the ground, it is all the more amazing to witness the new life Jesus brings to hearts that have been prepared to receive Him.  What a thrill to watch a team leader “water the seed” in a young child, and then see that growth take place.  Just as we harvest the fruits of our labor in the garden, we are so blessed to see a spiritual harvest take place

Ah, yes, my anxiousness goes far beyond the anticipation of putting my hands into the soil of this earth.  We are eagerly preparing for a bountiful summer ahead and are looking forward to all that God is going to do!  All praise to His glorious name!

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