Rainbow Bible Ranch is a camp located in western South Dakota that is unlike any other. Rainbow Bible Ranch presents many oprotunity for kids ages 6-18 activitys they praticipate my include fishing, shooting swimig,ziplining, as well as learning all about horseman ship, but most of all this Ranch is used to lead Kids,teens,and adults closer to Christ. I started attending Rainbow Bible Ranch when I was only 8 years of age. When i turned 10 i moved to Aurora Illinois but that didnt stop me from going to camp every summer. I returned to Rainbow time and time again until finally I was presented the opportunity to work for them. I started working at rainbow as a team leader. A team leader is someone who has a group of campers and is put in charge as a leader through out the week we are to not only keep the kids safe and happy but challange them physicaly and spiritually not only did I get to help kids grow closer to Christ but they also helped me grow stronger. Rainbow Bible Ranch presents an atmosphere that just grows on you the joy in the leaders and staff is infectious. Larry Reinhold is the camp director as well as the owner of lone tree Ranch the property that Rainbow is held. Larry started the camp after losing two of his brothers to a freak storm and has devoted his life to following Christ command and because of his williness to follow God has been able to use him to change hundreds of lifes. There are many of great Christian camps but the one thing that sets rainbow aside is how much they teach kids about horses. The kids ride everyday and while at many camps its in trails at rainbow the ride side by side in the wide open prarie. On october 4th 2013 there was a devistating blizzard that took many of the camps live stock. As rainbow works to rebuild the heard they will need prayer as well as finacial support i encourage you to pray to see if this is somthing God is leading you to take part in. You may find more information about Rainbow at rainbowbibleranch.org or you may email me at seth7.psp@gmail.com for more information. Please share this with friends and family.