Rainbow Bible Ranch August 15, 2021 Stefanie Adams Writes... Rainbow Bible Ranch August 15, 2021 “He was challenged and encouraged in his walk with the Lord, made new friends, slept under the stars, went fishing, ate lots of good food, learned more about working with horses, experienced ranch life, saw a rattlesnake like he was hoping, participated in a talent show, was in a rodeo, stepped out of his comfort zone in a new place with all new people and did it eagerly anticipating the growth and experiences and blessings it could offer him on his journey. And he wasn’t disappointed... when the week ended, as he left, he said, “This has to be... the best camp ever!” “Oh yeah, Buddy? So, would you like to come back again?” “YES! YES!” Grateful to God. A parent’s heart is indeed blessed when they find places and people along the way who care about and invest in their child, for God’s glory, like the good people at Rainbow Bible Ranch do. Thank you, Larry Robin Reinhold and crew!” — Stefanie Adams - Iowa