Ketura (Yantis) Veal writes...


"Come away, find out Who I AM, and know My voice." Rainbow Bible Ranch: a place of distance from the world, a time where time seemed to stop and eternity began. A "bar" that was raised very high, but attainable. 
Personal testimony: 
I grew up in a pastor's home. I knew ALL about doing. Serving as a teachers helper at the age of 7, leading youth when I was a youth, working with the elderly, leading hymns during songs service, the list was endless. 
I needed to learn about "Being" in Christ. I learned this being a camper. But the biggest lesson came the summer I was kitchen staff. The Lord taught me a hard lesson and I haven't forgotten it. I certainly wanted to be "doing" the role of camp counselor. That certainly looked liked a more noteworthy position than kitchen staff. I thought for sure I was equipped, I knew ALL about ministry or so I thought. They didn't need kitchen staff, I NEEDED to "be" kitchen staff. I needed to come away from it all, so as to fall in love with my Savior. And fall in love, I DID! He became everything to me. I didn't serve because it made me look good but because my love for Him flowed over. Yes, the very early mornings, sometimes ungrateful mouths, and flopped meals from a 15 year old. These taught me that leadership means "being" in Christ which is serving in humility. I really don't think I would be where I am today if I hadn't learned that. I am so grateful to Larry and Robin who listened to the Lord as they placed me in that perfect place, aka "kitchen staff."