This was my daughter's first year of being at camp for a whole week. I was probably more nervous than she was, she was so excited to go! I am just so, so thankful we have found a place to send our kids that puts so much focus on personal quiet time with God as part of the morning routine. Camp is not full of hype and an intensity that doesn't sustain, but rather consistent, real, and down to earth biblical teaching that seeps into the soul like a slow rain. For this, I am so thankful.
This picture was taken of my daughter one morning as she was having her morning "QT" time reading through scriptures and the devotional in her growth guide. It really tells the story of what Rainbow Bible Ranch is about. After listening to her and her brother download their week, I am assured yet again that all the effort that they and we go to, to get them to camp is well worth it. Thank you to Larry Robin Reinhold and the entire crew at RBR for all you do. You are all very much appreciated.