"East of Sturgis" or "West of Pierre" Big Country And This field of sunflowers is huge....and take note... One of the flowers is facing the camera,


And This field of sunflowers is huge....and take note... One of the flowers is facing the camera,


Planted nearly to the edge of Hwy 34, it was quite easy for these two little blonde girls to visualize "senior portrait possibilities, Larry and Robin Reinhold and family headed East River to take in the State Fair and give an update on the summer to our friends at Prairie Bible Church of Carpenter, South Dakota.

Such an amazing part of the agricultural scene of eastern South Dakota. Yes, we commonly just say East River. God is using some amazing people in this productive area of "Bread Basket of America" to do more than its share to feed a growing population around the world.

My mother would tell many times of her childhood days in East River, Dakota in the small town of Avon. As a child of the depression and WWII, her friends were the men of the railroads. To her last days...she loved trains and now I do too. And so the fascination has passed on to her grandchildren as well. We could not refuse the opportunity to get up close by walking down the country road. The engineer appreciated it as he gave a number of extra long blows on the "whistle". We all, were happier

True, there is so much to see and do at the State Fair...but it really difficult to not get caught up in the "green". The question remains... "Is it the Irish Blood or the farm kid blood...?"


I believe there are more hogs at the South Dakota State Fair than in all of Meade County. Danny has already checked into the statistics. One thing we are quite certain of... There are more camels there as well. What a great time.

Miles and Merritt Mendel showed us all around the farms on Sunday afternoon.


We are looking at a cover crop that they sowed in on the wheat stubble after harvest. It consists of radishes, turnips, flax and sorghum. The crops looked amazing. Later we went over to Todd and Melanie Ellis Hofer's and enjoyed the crop and livestock tour as well.

No I do not play Dutch Blitz with a group of cut-thoats as these. I want to keep my hands. :)

The farmyards are so neat as seen here on the Mendel Farms. Operating as such since 1942. I like what the sign near the shop entrance door stated.... "The soil sticks to our boots and runs through our blood". Harvest is right around the corner for many of these folks. We wish them well and Godspeed.

As we left the Mendel Farms on Monday morning I snapped this shot looking east. Certainly no mountains in the background and or vast expanses of plaines...But truly a remarkable land and remarkable people. These people of agriculture expend a tremendous amount of energy, physical and mental to be true stewards of God's creation.

To a family that is tired. from West River, Dakota and is homeward bound... Crossing the Missouri River at Ft. Pierre and chasing the sun toward home. It is so easy to count your blessings.


On the computer near my chair in the living room of our 85 year old house, I have compiled a playlist of music with hundreds of songs. I have titled the playlist Reflections and Legacies. These are more than titles, but rather songs that have impacted me along life's journey. It is in no way complete. My first song that I would like to share with you is Martin Luther's banner hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God".


What a privilege! The first meeting of the Crook County Cowboy Church and they asked me to share. With like-minded folks who love Jesus. What a great time. At the end of the service, Larry-Robin Reinhold AndFamily (yes all eight of us) sang one of our favorite Rainbow Bible Ranch theme songs entitled "Courage". The fellowship following was good and sincere. God's blessings to you all. 

"So Pray" - A Devotional

Close your eyes in reverence, not in sleep or fear.
Bow your knee in respect, not in failure or despair.
Fold your hands not in worry, but with singleness of mind.
Raise your voice to God above and peace you’ll truly find.

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.” Mark 14:38

Even before Jesus faced the hardest time of His earthly life, He was on his knees first. On His knees praying . In these times, we hear much about developing our personal selves. The military calls for us to “be all that we can be”. They say that we can attain that by joining their branch of the service and the training they offer will help us to attain that. But what about those situations that we face in life that our all falls way short? Who are we going to count on in that effort where we must stand? You know the hard times that I am talking about. Unfaithfulness of a friend. Unexpected death. Life threatening diseases. Hard times at school or on the job. Financial hardships. Being forced to move from your home or even your comfort zone. The loss of friendship. The heartache of broken families.

Jesus realized the pain and agony that He was about to face. And even though He is God’s Son – He prayed. This was no bedtime poem that He recited. He laid it all on the line. He shared his deepest thoughts. He poured out His fears. And He listened! That’s right – He listened. Prayer is a thoughtful communication with God. Praising Him. Thanking Him. Asking Him. Crying out to Him. Seeking His will. Reaching for solutions. And listening to Him. You have a great opportunity to start standing for Jesus by praying to your Heavenly Father


Last Friday evening on March 13, we were blessed as we enjoyed the Hunter�s Harvest Buffet with about 120 folks in attendance. This wild game feed is becoming quite popular with many. We had great food, great prizes and great fellowship. Our friend Harold Delbridge, a long time pastor in Meade County, shared a great message. He spoke of hunting and the relationships that could be developed in that setting.


My Dad has a response that has been quite predictable in his later years. Truthfully, Robin and I, along with his grandkids, have begun to exchange glances before we tell Dad some news or when we show him something of significance. Sometimes we even mouth it silently to one another and then wait to hear him say, "Oh, my goodness!" Needless to say,


The idiom, "opportunity knocks but once" may be true; however, my point is ... "Does it ever stop knocking?" We may choose to ignore it. We may choose to muffle it. We may even "just squander it. But with each moment of each new day, we can open the door and enter through the door until time is no more.


By Larry B. Reinhold For Rainbow Bible Ranch There are so many things that I would love to show you and tell you about. Needless to say, the last year has been quite a ride. I would say that it started with the devastating October Blizzard that has been dubbed "Atlas". But we know that it "started" long before time was even measured. Certainly God has masterminded the events of nature and the effects thereof. I have been intrigued by our language when a natural disaster takes place and we term it an "Act of God". And I know that even the wind will obey Him(Luke 8:25). But the outcome of so many events of life are altered, because we as humankind deny the Lordship of The Almighty, and in our disobedience we may miss the joys that God would have us to posses as our own. What would be amazing, is if our daily actions would also be deemed an "Act of God". For if the wind obeys, shall we not as well?' This summer, as is customary of me, I was enjoying a walk around our home place where Rainbow is located. I thoroughly enjoy where God has allowed me to live in answer to His call. One morning as I was walking through some of the 2300 trees that were planted this year, I noticed that some were beginning to look a little dry. I prayed right then and there. I said, "God help our trees to survive." I was stopped in my tracks when a still small voice said within me, "Don’t just pray that they will survive, pray that they will thrive." You know, I got all excited and did just that. When we gathered for our meal, I called a "Redshirt Meeting". This is codeword that means staff meeting. It generally takes place in the breezeway or in the kitchen. As my amazing crew gathered, I could hardly contain myself. I told them what took place just an hour or so before and looked at them and said, "No longer will we be content to pray to ‘just survive’, but let us this day forth pray to thrive." That is our desire for each day and for each one that is part of the ministry and outreach of Rainbow Bible Ranch. This is God’s Ministry and these are God’s people reaching out to His creation. Many times over the last year(s), people have asked me how we are doing. Especially in light of the events of the last year, my answer is, "We are up and running ... but maybe there is a little limp still showing." But it cannot be denied, that a full fledged miracle has taken place for our family and the ministry that is yours and mine know as Rainbow Bible Ranch. To God be the glory. The last year has been a flurry of amazing activity. With the loss of so many of our good Camp Horses in last year's blizzard, we are recovering very nicely. When you realize that we have struggled to keep up with promotion of camp for the 2014 season, you will be pleased to hear that we had a great camp season. It was not quite a record, but we certainly were in the top five for attendance. We had young people step up shoulder to shoulder to be on staff. What a great crew. And they grew as well. We saw many projects "thrive" as we set out in faith to continue the will of God in our lives. God does supply our needs and He uses His people to provide from the resources that they have been blessed with. We have been blessed with some additional staff year around, and their assistance has been so helpful. And it hasn’t been just "business as usual". RBR has hosted some amazing events. Two that come to mind are The Dakota Horse Challenge in June and the Men’s Day in October. Certainly, we saw tremendous outcome and see tremendous potential ahead. We have been able to address some infrastructure needs as well as safety and beautification projects. Who would have dreamed that we would have been able to undertake some of these needs when one remembers the devastation of a year ago? Again, we have seen God answer prayers. Shortly after camp, I received a letter. I call it a "nastygram" -- very much out of place with all the others that have been collected from all over the country, shared with us by folks who prayed and gave to ensure that RBR would continue. This "nastygram" came unsigned and with no return address. They set forth to fault one of my staff for not responding as soon as they thought they should have. This writer then set out to give me the rules of fundraising. I will stop there and now make something very clear. I am not a fundraiser and neither is there anyone on staff who is a fundraiser. I was not called to be a fundraiser. I am certain that some have in other settings. I am not. I will say this as clearly as possible. Rainbow Bible Ranch has never desired to raise funds. We have and will continue to offer opportunities to any who desire the opportunity to come alongside in the outreach to young people and their families. If you contribute, let your decision be between God and you. And then do it joyfully with all your heart! I believe that God desires to see RBR not just recuperate from the storms that come our way, but as it has been impressed upon my heart and as I have shared with family and staff, to not only survive but to thrive for the sake of the Kingdom and our Kingdom’s Ruler, King Jesus.

In this day, I believe we have limited time and the Day of Lord is at hand. But that is not what drives me. Our passion is clearly driven by excitement of living a life of faith and a realization that our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, desires our fellowship and not only ours, but all that are around us. "For God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). The old hymn by a Swedish Pastor of the last century simply declares, "My God, how great Thou art".


It was bound to happen and it is probably good that it did. Winter "dropped in" with a vengeance. And now I must do chores in the office that I have been putting off as we took advantage of a beautiful autumn and were able to get many projects accomplished. I must admit that I was certainly enjoying myself, and the realization that we were making such good progress in so many areas was encouraging. Last year’s blizzard still hangs over us somewhat, mainly with so much to do that was not able to get done last year. That, hand in hand with the devastating effects of loss, found us climbing some pretty big hills. The good news was and continues to be ... "God is faithful". No surprise; however, we may be seemingly overwhelmed by the challenges and how God desires to take them on using common folks like you and me. Time is of the essence now to let people know how God has worked. I wish I could give you a personal tour. We are in the mode of producing our first Rainbow Reflector in over a year due to the Storm Atlas and the burdens that came with it. I want each person that partners with us to know how grateful we are that you have answered the call of our Lord in continuing the ministry of RBR. My Dad was able to return home from an extended time in the hospital. He is doing quite well and we are glad to have him back in his own home. We wish that you could join us for some upcoming events. On November 21st, we will conduct our annual Pie Auction. This is a great time and we have observed that it is not only fruitful to "accomplish projects" but also is a great time of fun and fellowship. Last year we raised over $12,000.00 that went toward Storm Restorations. Then another phenomenal time for the entire family is our annual Birthday in the Barn Celebration on December 12, 2014. Keep an eye on our website or follow us on Facebook for further details. We desire to pray with you as well. Let us know of your concerns and praises. We serve a great God!

In Christ,

Larry B. Reinhold

Rainbow Bible Ranch Executive Director

Brandon... A year later

One year ago today, I was blessed to spend some time with this very fine young man. I remember very well telling him goodbye, and smiling as I watched him drive away thinking about what an incredible kid he was becoming. Never in my wildest dream did I think that would be our last goodbye, and that God would call him home to heaven just 4 days later… what I wouldn’t give to relive that last day with him.


Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of you. I miss you more than words can say. You continue to touch a countless number of lives here on earth, mine included. You will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart, Brandon. Thank you so very much for everything. I am so incredibly proud of you! I’m so grateful that you made a decision to accept Jesus in your heart and for that reason, I know without a doubt that you are in Heaven and I will see you again! I can’t wait for that day! I cherish the memories I have with you… we have sure had a lot of fun together! Whether we were running around like “cave men”… or the day we got everyone to believe that you were 17 and we were in fact twins…. then there was that ride, that we both talked with thee dumbest accents, just to be annoying…. or the times we just sat and talked about God, life, horses or girls…;) I have to say though, that my favorite memory with you is the day that this picture was taken… we were both doing what we loved. Everyone said that we were way to naturel at being clowns, I guess that’s why we are “Twins”. Thanks for all the great times. I look forward to Heaven, when we can once again be together and be the “rodeo clowns of the sky”. Love and miss you tons.


Glen, Cheryl and Brittany,

I love you all so very much! I am beyond blessed to have you in my life. You guys mean the world to me. The strength you have shown this past year is incredible. You have walked this road with so much Faith and Courage, bringing Glory to God every step of the way. I am not kidding when I say that you make me extremely proud to know such amazing people. I want to thank you for all the love, support and encouragement that you have given me this past year. At a time when you all were hurting the most, you still reached out to others with a Christ-like love. I cannot thank you enough. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know there will be some “extra” prayers going up for you this week. Praying that God will surround you with the comfort that only He can give and that peace that passes all understanding.

With much Love,


In the Same Boat with...

"Some say that this storm "Atlas" left many of us in the same boat. I am just thankful that I can be in the same boat with Jesus." LBR

Mark 4:37-39 the Bible

And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up. Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still." And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.…


It is the middle of October and we had a rainbow appear twice over the ranch in as many days. Certainly we appreciate the beauty, but being a part of the ministry of Rainbow Bible Ranch, we are reminded continually of the blessings and promises of God. May each one of us realize the many and variable blessings that are of the Lord. I write this letter to thank you for your part in the ministry of RBR.