Rainbow Bible Ranch

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A Nice Visit From Ralph and Connie Seekins

We sure enjoyed the visit from our friends from Fairbanks, Alaska. Our time together last evening with Ralph and Connie Seekins was filled with stories and plenty of laughter. That continued this morning as we had breakfast and devotions together. We talked of hunting, Quarter Horses, camping ministry, kids and families and the opportunities afforded us in service to God. Ralph has served as the president of the American Quarter Horse Association and Connie's appreciation for horses has led to doing therapeutic riding programs along with their daughters near Fairbanks. They talked of other camps in Alaska that I knew of going back to my MIB days.


We have been blessed by other members of the Seekins family for many years. Larry (Ralph's brother) and April Seekins and their family have been lifelong friends to Robin. I have known them for over forty years. Kerri Seekins Crowe worked with us in the very beginning of RBR and Larry and April's granddaughter, Heather, was a team leader with in 2013.


What a wonderful blessing to be a part of God's family in Christ.