What a grand evening the Annual Pie Auction turned out to be! Together we contributed a new record for this event for the ongoing ministry of the Lord at Rainbow Bible Ranch.The audience was made up of a good cross section of people. Perhaps not all realized the ties of one another to this 38 year old ministry… but I would like to share with you some of my observations. I loved seeing the grandfather bidding with his granddaughter who has been a camper over the years. I loved watching a couple of boys that are Legacy II campers bid on a pie that was one of the high sellers. Or how about the dad, who once worked as a wrangler at RBR and is now, appreciating the fact that his daughters have served as part time volunteers over the last two summers. I was so grateful to watch a group of hunters from North Carolina. They came over with a neighboring rancher and I believe each of them purchased a pie. I am so grateful to neighbors that pitched in by making pies or purchasing pies. I am so appreciative of a former staff member that farms with her husband in Iowa and contributed four beautiful pies that she “purchased” from her sister in Rapid City. I am thankful for the small business owner in Rapid City that contributed $400.00 to purchase a pie, because she believes in the ministry. I was touched by the family and the gentleman who had recently lost his wife still show up and support the ministry, because they are behind us all the way. I love seeing the couple that shows up year after year to pitch in… he was saved here on a Friday night over 35 years ago. And I cannot forget the families that have a bunch of young kids… and they make pies… and they buy pies… because they want to support the work of the Kingdom at RBR.

There were others as well, as we auctioned off about 80 pies. You probably get the drift of the varied crowd and support group that are involved. And it is so important. I believe that God is blessing the unique outreach of RBR because it is a valuable ministry. From one perspective, I am nearly overwhelmed and I may say from another perspective… “I believe more people from some of the same demographics that were represented above should be taking a stand alongside of Rainbow Bible Ranch. I am so grateful to those of you that have proven so generous. And with God’s leading, I see opportunities that must not be hindered due to lack of funding. God does supply our needs and for many of those needs… he uses people just like you and me.

Would you please pray with me that we stay faithful and that other followers of Christ will recognize the privilege of serving together for the Kingdom at Rainbow Bible Ranch?