This photo was taken about 50 years ago over east. The dam has since washed out and it was not needed...until now. 

The decision has been made to repair it and make it a '''Wildlife Pond". It has been fenced to keep livestock away from it. We believe it will be an attraction to waterfowl with tall grass left for nesting. We are especially excited about the potential of stocking it with fish since it is located only about 150 yards from where our RBR kids camp outside. I can see a lot of youngsters coming up with a great reason to get up at sunup and go fishing. Chris Emme of Summit Construction is here to begin the dirt work as soon as possible and weather permits. Rainbow Bible Ranch has several "Stewardship Projects" such as this underway. They all take money. If you would like to be a part of the these projects, let me know. We would love to have you as part of the team.