A step at a time…

First, I want to thank you along with so many others for standing with us in the last few months. God seemed to have heaped our plate high, but what a banquet it has been.


For some, this may be new news. On June 14th, our partner, my Dad, and co-founder of Rainbow Bible Ranch went home to be with the Lord. Grandpa Tige was a stalwart around the ranch. A gentleman called me during the height of the camping season  to see how we were doing and after he listened to my report; he simply stated, “You haven’t had time to grieve yet?”  I have found that statement to be true. Since camp has been over, there have been many times…some with tears, but more often, just a quivering lower lip or just voicing aloud to God. Dad was a part of every day life for us. And I had the special privilege of working with him as a partner for nearly 40 years. Not many enjoy that sort of relationship with a parent. I am grateful.

This summer also proved nearly miraculous as we had a record breaking attendance. With nearly 470 kids attending from 22 different states, the season was amazing. Our record had stood at 423 and even last year we had 397 campers attend. Your support and encouragement along with prayer and the faithfulness of The Almighty not only helped us get by, the season was outstanding in so many ways. We had a phenomenal staff. They worked hard and each of them grew in the their faith as well. I am so thankful.

I have been reminded of the statement that God had a young farmer proclaim as he entered into battle in the Old Testament account of Gideon leading the 300 soldiers against the Midianites. “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon”, is sucn a good reminder of how God chooses to work. The team effort is so evident and that is not only what I observed this summer, but was also blessed to be a part of. I am overwhelmed.

Lately, I have told some that, “I am not behind, but there seems to be quite a lot ahead of me.” On the farm and ranch side of the things, we are getting ready to plant winter wheat. Placing the seed in the ground and in about 10 months time we will harvest as God blesses. What a wonderful picture of working for The Kingdom.  I recently read a powerful statement by the late Adrian Rogers, “Its what you sow that multiplies, not what you keep in the barn”. I am excited.

We press on…one step at a time. I can hardly wait.